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Re: [JDEV] Wanna know something...

> Is there a cryption to avoid XML conflicts? I mean for example
> if a user send a message that has </SAY> in it, itwould be:
> <SAY></SAY></SAY>
> Although the first </SAY> is the user's message, the XML parser would think that its end of SAY and give error at the second </SAY>. I don't know, you've discussed this (I've 165 more mails to read, gimme some time ;-] ), but maybe we can use the same cryption
> as in HTML files :
> "<" will be crypted to "&lt;" and "&" will be crypted to "&amp;"

Yes, this is part of XML, the following entities are defined:

&	&amp;
<	&lt;
>	&gt;
"	&quot;
'	&apos;

Currently, if the server encounters bad XML as in the above example, it
will currently just drop the connection, but eventually it will at least
attempt to deliver an error message first.
